Adam Zerella logo

Hey, I'm Adam

I build software on the web for tech companies and government agencies, mostly in the distributed systems space.

I'm currently unavailable for new opportunities.

  • DefinitelyTyped contributions

    50+ TypeScript definition contributions for the open-source community.

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  • Linux Kernel patches

    10+ Contributions to the world's arguebly greatest project.

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  • Hacker News Dark Mode browser extenstion

    An opinionated Dark Theme browser extension for the popular forum, Hacker News.

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  • Rollup plugin - PWA Manifest

    Easily generate a manifest file needed to turn your web app into a PWA using Rollup.

    Check it out
  • Medium posts

    Bits and pieces I've written over the years.

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  • VSCode theme - Bumble Bee

    Yellow and black colour theme for Visual Studio Code.

    Check it out